Friday, February 4, 2011

The Plan

This summer, four brave Andersons will embark on the trip of a lifetime. Like the vikings of yore, they plan to pillage far away lands for all of their treasures; though not of silver and gold, it is for something less tangible though equally prolific they strive. To hold Opportunity upside down by the ankles and shake him until every last Experience may be collected. To subsist on a shoestring budget with nary a complaint nor regret. To return to the land of our ancestors like conquering warriors.

What does this journey hold for them?
Will they ever rest or just continue exploring?
Of what faux pas will they be guilty?
Will Brett quit procrastinating and finally get his Passport?
Will snoring tear this family apart?

Find Out
June 2011

....sorry that got kind of weird. I hope this blog can be a good resource to follow along with us on the trip. As of this moment, I believe we are planning on hitting 12 countries in 7 weeks. We are all looking forward to it and are praying that Dad's health will not hold us back. Thanks for visiting!



  1. Looking forward to following your travels. Alli and I both wish we could do more of it. We really cherish the times we had abroad in college.

    Enjoy the journey. Plan, but don't count on your itinerary, necessarily. Be spontaneous and let your senses guide you.

    We wish you the best.

    Brett & Alli

  2. Have fun, Miss Anderson!

    I've always wanted to go to some of those places. I promise to visit your classroom next year.

    My aunt is going to Italy in summer. Maybe you'll run into each other! She heard that girls are supposed to wear knee-length or longer skirts to fit in, just so you know.

    Happy summer,
    Maddie M. (2nd Period)

  3. Good job BA! We are on board for the trip
    -Bob and Eleanor

  4. Looks like you are having a trip of a lifetime!

    Shari Johnson
